Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Project sneak peek

Working on a special project! Paint, wood and power tools are involved in this one!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Batman Jewelry!

So....when I went to Hobby Lobby to get supplies for my Batman graduation cap I stumbled upon DC comic based jewelry supplies in the beads and jewelry section. Since it was 50% off AND I was going with the Batman theme anyways I decided to grab some things and make my own jewelry. I made a necklace, bracelet and earrings! Here is a picture of the outcome. Petty cool project! 


It's been awhile since my last post. I've been working on my Masters for the past 3 years so my hobbies have been kinda put on hold. I graduated this June and decorated my cap batman style with one of my favorite quotes from Batman Begins: "It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you." I put alot of though into this cap and so I've framed this cap to hang in my office for when I become a counselor :)

If your curious how I made this glamorous hat I picked up my supplies from Hobby Lobby. Here is a list:

*gold glitter 12x12 scrapbook paper cardstock
*black glitter 12x12 scrapbook paper cardstock
*black glitter Washi tape (2inch)
*e6000 glue
*black ribbon

I used my nifty silhouette cameo to cut out the bat symbol and letters :)

I recommend gluing everything as the glitter loses its stick pretty easy so I found the tap on the edges did not stick well.